A complimentary home loan health check can assist you in determining if your current loan is the right fit for you and your needs going forward, enabling you to make a well-informed choice about whether to take advantage of improved loan features or a more favourable interest rate.

How can a home loan health check help me financially?

Let’s think about your current rate, in today’s market. Home owners cannot afford to presume their mortgage is cost-effective. A more competitive interest rate that aligns with your personal financial situation might offer you substantial savings. Likewise for amending the additional features on a loan that you may be paying for and not using.

Refinancing possibilities:

Refinancing could provide you with an interest rate lower than what you’re currently paying, potentially leading to lower monthly repayments and reduced total interest expenses throughout the life of your loan. Keep in mind, refinancing may come with its own costs, so it’s worth running the numbers to ensure you’re coming out on top.

Fixed or Variable?

The current economic climate might make a fixed rate appear appealing; however, it’s crucial to fully understand the implications of fixed versus variable rates to ensure you’re making the best choice for your financial goals. Exploring superior loan features: Lower rate doesn’t automatically mean you’re saving money.

Your financial needs may have evolved, prompting you to explore loan features that better cater to your current situation. With another lender, you might avoid additional fees and charges, or you might find a more suitable loan product for your requirements. It’s important to recognize that discussing your options with us doesn’t obligate you to switch lenders.

We’ll suggest a change only if we see the benefits for you.

Contact us today to book your free home loan health check.

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For more information on how we can help you, contact us today.

General Enquiries  +852 5407 8725